Customers Sep15


My customers represent a wide-ranging universe of information users and producers. This has resulted in the holistic character of my research and consulting, which ranges from contracts with the National Science Foundation to examine the long range consequences and societal impacts of emerging...

Engineering Courses ...

In 1978 I taught my first postgraduate continuing engineering course at The George Washington University School of Engineering and Applied Science. Designated course 547, it was the first credit course on digital printing. Click here to see the course outline. Over the four years that I taught...

New Course – Future of Production Printing

This special one day class provides presentation, discussion and demonstration of the emerging production systems that will comprise the future of printing operations of all types. In a fast paced six hours, you will see where the industry has come from and where factory floor production printing is going. The objective is for attendees to obtain greater knowledge and understanding of today’s state of the art and what the future has in store. Vendor products are discussed critically based on their merits. All forms of printed products will be addressed. The course covers the technologies, management, economics, materials and...

City Life

Duis semper tellus non diam accumsan interdum. Cras euismod tristique turpis sed mollis. Mauris et quam ut justo lobortis congue. Maecenas iaculis porttitor pretium. Donec aliquam placerat ipsum, sit amet auctor leo tempus sit amet. Curabitur non dui sapien. Pellentesque nunc risus, lacinia...

Snapshot From Japan

by Henry Freedman>>   Ut eu erat non ligula pretium rhoncus sed ac urna. Suspendisse vestibulum lectus ac nisl faucibus vel imperdiet nulla ullamcorper. Nullam vitae mi ac erat convallis pharetra eu nec neque. Mauris vitae quam velit, eu dapibus lacus. Nullam vitae nibh tempus dui...