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What I Do
From space imaging to securities printing, from metal type to printing on molecules, I love imaging things.
From original author’s thoughts and artist’s concept through the communications between creators and their customers, I love automating the print manufacturing process.
Most of all, I love writing and sharing the knowledge gained from working with scientists and engineers building next generation digital printing systems, working on improving performance of printing plants and helping printers leapfrog to the next appropriate technical change so they can grow and prosper. Click here for more about me.
Henry Freedman provides managerial, technical, and scientific consulting in the field of imaging for both government and industry. With a particular focus on digital printing and publishing, he has a proven track record of more than 40 years of success helping both small and large operations. Click here to see a few customers.
Henry Freedman has invented new tools and measurement systems now used by all leading printing equipment manufacturers. His pioneering patented invention of online print ordering and automated production line management has revolutionized the printing industry. Today all ecommerce print ordering systems incorporate his pioneering invention. Click here to see invention. This leadership provides his clients the ability to leapfrog their competition, optimize their production lines, increase savings and efficiency, and deliver environmental as well as business sustainability. Covering a broad range of subjects at a very affordable fee has resulted in customers requesting additional services once an assignment ends. How can Henry Freedman help you? Contact him now Click here.
What is the benefit of knowledge if it is not applied and shared? Teaching embodies my efforts for knowledge sharing and learning. This Teaching section provides access to some of my museum exhibits, classroom teaching, demonstrations and exhibition sharing information on imaging and printing of all types. Records show tens of thousands of people have had the opportunity to learn from my work and hope you find these different vehicles here in the Teaching section of benefit.
Click here to learn more about Teaching.
My customers represent a wide-ranging universe of information users and producers. This has resulted in the holistic character of my research and consulting, which ranges from contracts with the National Science Foundation to examine the long range consequences and societal impacts of emerging printing technology, to measuring the cost of telecommunications relay towers between oil rigs for GTE Telenet. My work encompasses a wide swath of printing issues, from investigating and predicting the broad societal impacts of printing to innovations in printing technology.
While not a practicing lawyer, I have completed selected courses at The George Washington University Law School and have put this training to use as a consultant on technology policy for the U.S. Copyright Office, U.S. Congressional Joint Committee on Printing, U.S. Congressional Office of Technology Assessment, and U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, to name a few.
For the printing industry itself, I have developed new imaging measurement tools for digital printing processes, described in the Inventions section. My inventions for automating the printing production workflow have been applied on every modern printing plant worldwide and are embodied in the standards for receiving and managing printing. In-plant and commercial printing customers include Rite-Aid, Pearl Pressman Liberty and Strine Printing, to name a few.
Click here to see customers.